Soar Higher - Reset Your Life (Part 3)

Transform Purpose Into Action

"What do you really want? ’Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined."  - Henry David Thoreau

  • Have you struggled to achieve your goals in the past?
  • Do you want to look forward to each day because of the possibilities you know it holds?
  • Do you want to know where you are going and how you are going to get there?
  • Do you want to be an authentic leader, that leads others with the skills you’ve developed? 
  • Do you want to bring an energy and unflagging enthusiasm to your work?

Having goals is the fundamental key to success but the challenge is in achieving them. You have possibly set objectives for yourself, your career or business, targets to hit, standards to meet and exceed, but too often, these are not achieved and you fail to reach your goals.

Generating an intention, as in goal setting is important but research has shown that that process alone isn't enough to get you to take all the actions necessary to achieve them. If goals are not set at a conscious level in the brain, you are very unlikely to achieve them. That is why many set goals but never quite achieve them.

We now know that there is a strong scientific basis for how and why mental practice works.

Having an imagery brings clarity to your dreams and helps you stay focused when you get sidetracked or stressed. It reminds you of what really matters on your journey. 

This eToolkit will take you through the steps to set compelling 'SMARTEST' Goals and teach you the science of using your brain optimally to enable you achieve your goals, build mental resilience, lead yourself and others more effectively.

Soar Higher Toolkit - Part 3

Reset Your Life

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Imagine What Your Life Look Like ...

If Nothing Held You Back!

Research has shown that the human brain is a habitual organ, so the key to achieving your goals is to turn them into habits.
The orbitofrontal cortex region in the brain is responsible for converting goals into habits, through the neural messengers known as endocannabinoids, which are also responsible for modulating memory, appetite and moods.

Science shows that up to 90% of what we do as adults is influenced by subconscious patterns created from childhood and past experiences.

It’s time to step up and take back control of your life - actually live life on your own terms and experience unhindered confidence.
Soar Higher Workbook for Leaders

What Does Being Unstoppable and Unlimited Mean to You?

Do you know exactly how you feel about yourself in terms of where you are going and where you want to be? 

Sometimes, people spend a lot more time deciding about some aspects of their lives than they do about other aspects. 

Some put a lot of thought (and money) into their wardrobe, for example, or the music that they buy or the car that they drive. 

When it comes to big life questions, though, they take a more relaxed approach, stating that they’ll take whatever job that comes along. 

They may tell you that they took a university degree because the program accepted their application, not because they considered the kind of life or career they wanted to create and chose a school based on those criteria.

For some others, the thought of actually setting goals and achieving them is daunting, especially if you have never gone through an exercise like this before. 

But we’re pretty certain that people who do go through these kinds of activities regularly (including setting, achieving, and revising their goals), are more content with their lives than the people who sit back and let things happen. 

As you are here on this site shows that you are ready to make a decision to take this course. 

Enrol now and transform your life -- forever.

Why Goal Setting?

Be determined to change your life!

Setting goals will enable you to grow and expand, push yourself out of your comfort zone to enable you transform your life, career and business.

Your mission is to make the best possible choices, plan appropriate massive actions to achieve them and overcome the obstacles on the way. Goals allow you set the direction to create the future you desire.

This toolkit will help you reflect on what’s happened in your past and show you how to renew your mindset, change your actions and outcomes after previous setbacks and struggles.
Most importantly, it offers you a chance to reset and start helpful behaviour patterns, explore new opportunities and start moving toward your desired goals.

Course curriculum

    1. Message From Maureen

    2. Before you go...

    3. Now, please answer the following questions.


    2. Setting Goals

    3. Team Goal Setting

    4. Wacky Wild Goal Brainstorming

    5. Wheel of Life

    6. 'SMARTEST' Goal Setting

    7. Setting Your Goals

    8. SMARTEST Goal Setting Table


    2. My Dreams and Goals

    3. Aligning Your Goal with Your Values

    4. Empowering Beliefs

    5. Goals and your beliefs

    6. Creating New Habits

    7. Chunking Your Goals

    8. Visualisation

    9. Visualization Exercise

    10. WOOP

    11. Get WOOPing


    2. Find Your Project Theme

    3. Align With Corporate Vision

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Who should complete this course?

  • - Directors
  • - Managers
  • - Team Leaders
  • - Job hunters

What Others Say...

“I attended a business conference with Maureen as a Keynote Speaker - her session was on Wired for Success.
The session unlocked my mind, my thinking, my brain! Suddenly, I looked at my notes at the end of her session and there was the answer - I had mapped out my journey. Thank you Maureen for a fruitful session.”

Blessing By Ble

“Maureen carried out a highly regarded and successful development day on Emotional Intelligence for Leaders at our NHS Trust. The day was expertly led and delivered, with a depth of scientific knowledge and effective communication to make the subject matter accessible to all. Highly recommended.”

K. Woods - NHS Kent

“Maureen is excellent at what she does - nurturing leaders using approaches in neuroscience. What particularly stood out for me was how accessible she made very abstract scientific concepts.”

Gloria Appiah - Lecturer at University of Kent

“The way in which you set your mind can enable positive and quick progression within your professional life.
After working closely with Maureen, and taking part in different trainings, a mind-set which was confident and encouraging was gained and built upon.
Salary in the last four years has increased significantly with a move into management in a short space of time.
Maureen is an expert in changing mind sets and enabling individuals, teams, as well as organisations to be able to move forward towards a goal. ”

J. Karakanna

“You inspired me and gave me self confidence and look what happened!! I have just won the Excellence in teaching and learning award. I also won a West Norfolk Champion award (for my teaching and helping students and therefore making an impact on my community). The mayor of King's Lynn presented me with the award.
Thank you for just being you and literally changing my life.”

D. Fletcher

It's Time To Start Living Your Best Life!

-- What do you want to achieve in 2024?
-- Why do you want to achieve it?
If you don’t know the answer to these questions, this workbook is your best toolkit.

Invest in your self-care and build your resilience so that you go into 2024 with the right mindset, focus, motivation, and energy to push through all obstacles to achieve your goals and dreams.

Rise Higher Workbook at The Mindsight academy

Enrol on the Soar Higher Course Bundle

Get the Complete 4 Courses for $35 Less!

  • $105.00

    $105.00Soar Higher eToolkit - 4 Course Bundle

    The complete series of the Soar Higher eToolkit includes:
    • Self discovery (Part 1) Get clarity of self and business or career goals
    • Reframe Your Mind (Part 2) - Create the habits and behaviours required by yourself and people to achieve your desired outcomes.
    • Reset Yourself (Part 3) - Use the SMARTEST Goal process to create brain based goals
    • Reform Your Life (Part 4) - Gain skills to boost your resilience and adaptability
    Buy Now

About Maureen

Maureen Chiana


Maureen Chiana, the visionary founder and CEO of The Mindsight Academy, is a distinguished NeuroLeadership Expert specialising in the integration of neuroscience with leadership and self-leadership training. Her groundbreaking work significantly enhances decision-making, emotional intelligence (EQ), and performance for professionals worldwide. As the host of the Lead To Excel Podcast, Maureen provides actionable insights that empower leaders to achieve and exceed their professional goals.

Her innovative approach focuses on the brain-mind-body connection, utilising advanced strategies to promote substantial personal and professional development. Her pioneering methods in neurocoaching and corporate consulting have established her as a leading voice and authority in the field.

A key aspect of her expertise is in cognitive enhancement techniques that elevate brain function, which is crucial for improving EQ, communication, resilience, and innovative thinking. These skills are vital for effective leadership and organizational productivity. Maureen collaborates with top organizations such as NHS UK, Johnson & Johnson, and Siemens Healthineers, offering presentations that blend humour with transformative insights.

Within The Mindsight Academy, Maureen also leads the Mindsight Women's Network, a faith-based initiative that empowers Christian women through the integration of science and scripture. This network offers a nurturing environment where faith-filled women can bloom to their fullest potential, drawing strength from both scientific insights and spiritual principles.

With a comprehensive background spanning various sectors and a profound commitment to neuroscience, Maureen is adept at helping professionals to master emotional intelligence, enabling them to navigate mental barriers and enhance their adaptive thinking. This focus strengthens both their leadership and self-leadership capabilities.

Through engaging workshops, courses, and speaking engagements worldwide, Maureen demystifies the brain-mind-body connection and provides science-based strategies for peak performance. Her work not only spans multiple continents but also revolutionises leadership practices by infusing them with scientific rigour and practical, emotionally intelligent solutions.