How to Make Money Promoting Courses in The Mindsight Academy.

Okay, so if I’m going to reach my goal to help and empower a million leaders to exceed their expectations, I need some help with visibility and promotion.

So here is a rundown of the things I do, and where and how to promote them to people who need it! 

The Mindsight Academyis an online academy with courses for ANYONE that wants to be a high performing leader and ready to flourish, exceed expectations and lead at a higher level.

The problems that organizations and businesses face are mainly due to the common issue of human behaviour. So all courses  are designed with the Brain in Mind.

The Mindsight Academy leverages on recent neuroscience insights to empower and equip executives, leaders, managers, business owners, entrepreneurs and teams to make the brain work smarter for mental, emotional wellbeing, financial growth, profitability, efficiency, creativity, communication, collaboration, change agility and revenue growth. 

Organizations and businesses need to double down on what makes humans perform at their best, through learning made more social, cultures made more inclusive, voices made more empowered and this is what our courses will enable leaders achieve.

My aim is to provide leaders with the concrete skills to get you to the top and keep you there.

To sign up as an affiliate, you’ll want to click the button below → 

Great News! 



Target Markets:

  • Leaders that have been struggling to breakthrough and achieve their best.

  • Business owners who want to get results faster and increase their profits and maximise productivity.

  • Professionals that want to move up to the next level in their career and earn more money.

  • Anyone who has been afraid to step out of their comfort zone and pursue their passion or business.

  • People who are crippled with stress and anxiety and want to live a life of rest, joy and fulfilment.

  • Leaders, managers, business owners, entrepreneurs who want to fast and sustained results.

What Others Say...

“I attended a business conference with Maureen as a Keynote Speaker - her session was on Wired for Success.
The session unlocked my mind, my thinking, my brain! Suddenly, I looked at my notes at the end of her session and there was the answer - I had mapped out my journey. Thank you Maureen for a fruitful session.”

Blessing By Ble

“The way in which you set your mind can enable positive and quick progression within your professional life. This is something that has been achieved due to a positive mind set and gaining training from Maureen.
After working closely with Maureen, and taking part in different trainings, a mind-set which was confident and encouraging was gained and built upon. This in part contributed to my being able to progress through the educational career ladder relatively quickly.
Salary in the last four years has increased significantly with a move into management in a short space of time.
Maureen is an expert in changing mind sets and enabling individuals, teams, as well as organisations to be able to move forward towards a goal. ”

J. Karakanna

“You inspired me and gave me self confidence and look what happened!! I have just won the Excellence in teaching and learning award. I also won a West Norfolk Champion award (for my teaching and helping students and therefore making an impact on my community). The mayor of King's Lynn presented me with the award.
Thank you for just being you and literally changing my life.”

D. Fletcher

Meet Your Instructor

Maureen Chiana

Maureen Chiana


Maureen Chiana, the visionary founder and CEO of The Mindsight Academy, is a distinguished NeuroLeadership Expert specialising in the integration of neuroscience with leadership and self-leadership training. Her groundbreaking work significantly enhances decision-making, emotional intelligence (EQ), and performance for professionals worldwide. As the host of the Lead To Excel Podcast, Maureen provides actionable insights that empower leaders to achieve and exceed their professional goals.

Her innovative approach focuses on the brain-mind-body connection, utilising advanced strategies to promote substantial personal and professional development. Her pioneering methods in neurocoaching and corporate consulting have established her as a leading voice and authority in the field.

A key aspect of her expertise is in cognitive enhancement techniques that elevate brain function, which is crucial for improving EQ, communication, resilience, and innovative thinking. These skills are vital for effective leadership and organizational productivity. Maureen collaborates with top organizations such as NHS UK, Johnson & Johnson, and Siemens Healthineers, offering presentations that blend humour with transformative insights.

Within The Mindsight Academy, Maureen also leads the Mindsight Women's Network, a faith-based initiative that empowers Christian women through the integration of science and scripture. This network offers a nurturing environment where faith-filled women can bloom to their fullest potential, drawing strength from both scientific insights and spiritual principles.

With a comprehensive background spanning various sectors and a profound commitment to neuroscience, Maureen is adept at helping professionals to master emotional intelligence, enabling them to navigate mental barriers and enhance their adaptive thinking. This focus strengthens both their leadership and self-leadership capabilities.

Through engaging workshops, courses, and speaking engagements worldwide, Maureen demystifies the brain-mind-body connection and provides science-based strategies for peak performance. Her work not only spans multiple continents but also revolutionises leadership practices by infusing them with scientific rigour and practical, emotionally intelligent solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a website, newsletter or other means of promotion, you can help us promote our services and in turn be guaranteed a generous commission of 30% on each sale you help generate through your referral link.

It's simple. Once you join, you will get your own menu to view general information and  links. We will provide you with a unique referral link that you'll can give your friends, colleagues or put on your web site. When they use your unique referral link that we have provided you and they make a purchase, we will continue to pay you 30% on each and every sale generated by your referral link. We track the number of sales that you generate every month and then we pay you by Pay Pal each month.

Q: How much can I make?

Ans: Exactly how much money you will make will depend on how many of your friends or clients actually make a purchase from The Mindsight Academy.

Q: Why should I join?

Ans: We offer an affiliate (referral)  program with solid commissions, real time tracking, a service that is totally unique and in very high demand!

Q: Can the actual courses be taken  on phones or tablets?

Ans: For sure! All the course content is fully responsive, so it will work regardless of whether it is on a computer or a mobile device.

Q: How much does it cost to be an affiliate?

Ans: Absolutely nothing. It is free to be an affiliate.

Q: Getting Started

Ans: It's easy. Just sign up into the Academy, complete and submit the Affiliate Application. We will send you an email within 2 working days to confirm if your application was successful.

Q: How and when do I get paid?

Ans: After you join our affiliate partner program and begin earning commissions we will pay you after 30 days.

Q: Can I use spam (unsolicited e-mail) to promote this affiliate program?

Ans: No, sending unsolicited e-mail is an annoyance to the recipient and a serious violation of our Terms and Conditions, and will result in your account being terminated. Do not send e-mail to people you do not personally know, or who have not specifically agreed to receiving messages from you.

Sign Up and Become an Affiliate

Earn money helping others transform their lives.

Program pays you for your previous month’s commissions on the first Friday of the month.

PS: If somebody signs up on The Mindsight Academy but doesn’t purchase right away, they’ll be tracked via a browser cookie, so if they return any time within the next 30 days and purchase you’ll be credited as the referee. Any questions? Get in touch! [email protected]