The coronavirus is not only a health crisis of immense proportion—it’s also an imminent restructuring of the global economic order.

Are You ...

  • feeling anxious and possibly stressed about the current situation?

  • struggling to motivate yourself, or wish that you could get more done each day?

  • wondering how you and/or your business will get through this?

  • struggling to achieve dreams and goals that are dear to you?

  • unable to make quick effective decisions?

  • struggling to bounce back after missing out on a promotion?

Ranking by Coursemarks

Boost Your Resilience and Thrive in Uncertain Times rating

Build Resilience, Thrive and Excel.

Learn key skills and mindsets vital to leading an agile and adaptive organization...

"The coronavirus pandemic is a unique crisis that has revealed problems with how we develop leaders and what qualities we expect from them"- Art Petty.
Effective Leadership is being able to adapt to uncertainty and build cultures where tough-minded people can have robust discussions and make tough decisions quickly.

As we battle our way through intense crisis, with a lot of uncertainty about the future. The stakes are high, because every organization’s mission and financial survival are at risk, along with the wellbeing of their employees.

How should leaders operate under these conditions to help their organization survive and thrive?
Many leaders are finding that the rules of success in an intense crisis are different from anything they could have imagined.

The current climate is one of great complexity and volatility and your survival in these uncertain times depends on your ability to take back control of your brain and unlock the hidden potentials of the brain.

This training will enable you improve your ability to confidently make tough decisions fast, manoeuvre through uncertainty, and inspire others to join you in taking risks to grow, innovate and improve the value delivered to your clients, customers and stakeholders.

What Others Say...

“I attended a business conference with Maureen as a Keynote Speaker - her session was on Wired for Success.
The session unlocked my mind, my thinking, my brain! Suddenly, I looked at my notes at the end of her session and there was the answer - I had mapped out my journey. Thank you Maureen for a fruitful session.”

Blessing By Ble

“The way in which you set your mind can enable positive and quick progression within your professional life. This is something that has been achieved due to a positive mind set and gaining training from Maureen.
After working closely with Maureen, and taking part in different trainings, a mind-set which was confident and encouraging was gained and built upon. This in part contributed to my being able to progress through the educational career ladder relatively quickly.
Salary in the last four years has increased significantly with a move into management in a short space of time.
Maureen is an expert in changing mind sets and enabling individuals, teams, as well as organisations to be able to move forward towards a goal. ”

J. Karakanna

“You inspired me and gave me self confidence and look what happened!! I have just won the Excellence in teaching and learning award. I also won a West Norfolk Champion award (for my teaching and helping students and therefore making an impact on my community). The mayor of King's Lynn presented me with the award.
Thank you for just being you and literally changing my life.”

D. Fletcher

Here's what's included in your course:

  • Boost Your Resilience

    It consists of Four-Modules of interactive training.

    You will learn how to adapt your thoughts and emotions to enable you develop resilience to thrive through change and any disruption.

  • Modules 1 & 2

    Module 1: The role of brain in developing resilience.

    Module 2: Build Awareness and eliminate blockers
    - Identifying Thinking Traps
    - Brain Mapping Diagnostics (Learn why you adapt your behaviour to different situations and the impact it has on you, such as stress, frustration etc)
  • Modules 3 & 4

    Module 3: Adaptability and Behaviour change.

    Module 4: Thrive through disruption.

  • Practical Designs For You!

    You will have the opportunity to use the many resources provided which include, video training, LIVE office hours (Maureen answers your questions), pdf information, worksheets, action plans, templates to implement quick changes in your practice and your organisation.

  • Private Group

    You will have access to a private group to provide you with additional support and build your confidence.
    It will also provide you with a network of other leaders for accountability and peer support. Ask questions in the group and get the support you require.

We are in very unprecendented times but you can steer yourself, your team or your business through challenging times.

What You'll Learn On This Course...

  • Learn to stay calm under pressure, make the right decisions for your people, and then execute those decisions effectively.
  • Understand why people get anxious and what to do to stay calm.
  • build confidence and motivation
  • How to communicate effectively with your team during crisis.
  • Maximise your opportunities to make your business survive and thrive.
  • Develop your resilience and agility to cope with changes.
  • Learn how to stay confident and unwavering without fear [avoid thinking traps].

It's not what happens to us but how we respond to what happens to us that has the greatest effect on the trajectory of our lives.

Be Wired To Thrive!


The training will equip you with:

Skills to build positive relationships, create motivated teams and drive fast results by leveraging the power of the brain to achieve unprecedented behaviour change, whilst building increased confidence.

  • Better decision-making skills even under pressure.

  • Lasting behaviour change through the power of self-generated insights.

  • Ability to effectively manage emotions, feelings and behaviour.

  • Strategic and technical skills for sustained improvement through increased adaptability and resilience.

  • Train employees in adaptability and resilience, and proactively re-skill your workforce.

Course curriculum

One Module is released every week...

    1. Welcome Email

    2. Housekeeping

    3. Personal Action Plan

    4. Before you start...

    5. Welcome Video

    1. What Is Resilience?

    2. The Importance of Resilience

    3. How Resilient Are You?

    4. The Emotional Brain

    5. The Emotional Brain - How the Brain Processes Emotions

    6. The Brain and Iceberg

    7. Overcoming Negative Thinking

    1. Identify Your Personal Objectives

    2. How Resilient Are You?

    3. Positive vs Negative Thoughts

    4. Learning Log

    5. Various Links for Additional Support

    1. The Three Dimensions

    2. The ABC Technique to Overcome Limiting Thoughts

    3. Improving Your Self Awareness

    4. The Ladder of Inference

    5. Thinking Traps To Avoid - 1

    6. Thinking Traps To Avoid - 2

    7. PRISM Brain Mapping Diagnostics

    8. Changing Your Beliefs

    1. Rate Your Self Awareness

    2. Self-awareness Analysis

    3. Locus of Control

    1. Self Talk

    2. Build Your Resilience

    3. The STEPS to Regain Confidence When It Falters

    4. Steps To Regain Confidence When It Falters - Preview

    5. Levels of Resilience

    6. The Resilience Grid

About this course

  • $595.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Who Is This Training For?

  • If you are worried or stressed about the future

  • If you are confused about what to do.

  • Leaders, Managers & Executives

  • Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

  • Coaches

Meet Your Instructor

Maureen Chiana

Maureen Chiana


Maureen Chiana, the visionary founder and CEO of The Mindsight Academy, is a distinguished NeuroLeadership Expert specialising in the integration of neuroscience with leadership and self-leadership training. Her groundbreaking work significantly enhances decision-making, emotional intelligence (EQ), and performance for professionals worldwide. As the host of the Lead To Excel Podcast, Maureen provides actionable insights that empower leaders to achieve and exceed their professional goals.

Her innovative approach focuses on the brain-mind-body connection, utilising advanced strategies to promote substantial personal and professional development. Her pioneering methods in neurocoaching and corporate consulting have established her as a leading voice and authority in the field.

A key aspect of her expertise is in cognitive enhancement techniques that elevate brain function, which is crucial for improving EQ, communication, resilience, and innovative thinking. These skills are vital for effective leadership and organizational productivity. Maureen collaborates with top organizations such as University of Kent, NHS UK, Johnson & Johnson, and Siemens Healthineers, offering presentations that blend humour with transformative insights.

Within The Mindsight Academy, Maureen also leads the Mindsight Women's Network, a faith-based initiative that empowers Christian women through the integration of science and scripture. This network offers a nurturing environment where faith-filled women can bloom to their fullest potential, drawing strength from both scientific insights and spiritual principles.

With a comprehensive background spanning various sectors and a profound commitment to neuroscience, Maureen is adept at helping professionals to master emotional intelligence, enabling them to navigate mental barriers and enhance their adaptive thinking. This focus strengthens both their leadership and self-leadership capabilities.

Through engaging workshops, courses, and speaking engagements worldwide, Maureen demystifies the brain-mind-body connection and provides science-based strategies for peak performance. Her work not only spans multiple continents but also revolutionises leadership practices by infusing them with scientific rigour and practical, emotionally intelligent solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long is the course for?

Ans: The course comprises of 5 modules, designed to be completed in 5 weeks but you can do it at your own pace.

It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

Q: Will I have access to the whole course once I enrol?

Ans: The course will be drip-fed to you each week for 5 weeks. This is to help you take advantage of your learning of the content without overloading you with too much information all at once.

Q: How long do I have access to the course? 

Ans: After enrolling - you have unlimited access to this course  across any and all devices you own.

Q: Can I take this course on my phone or tablet?

Ans: For sure! All the course content is fully responsive, so it will work regardless of whether you are on a computer or a mobile device.

Q: What do I do if I have questions about the course?

Ans: You'll be able to post your questions in the community discussion forums. If you have questions before you buy, contact me at: [email protected]

Q: Can I get my money back if I am not happy with the course?

Ans: We offer a 14-day money back guarantee, but this only applies when you pay the full cost. If you don't perceive value in the course (this is very unlikely though!), do get in touch and I will be happy to help.

NB: There is no refund with the payment plan.

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Using Brain-based science to change and shape behaviours of leaders so you can flourish and exceed expectations. Gain unparalleled ability to lead with efficacy and confidence.

Enjoy Monthly Live Office Hour Sessions with all your questions answered and Guest Speakers.

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Do you want personalized support while you do your course?

  • Rewired for Success - Advanced
    (3 Months - Neurocoaching/Mentoring)

    • For leaders, managers and entrepreneurs who feel stuck, anxious and desperately need to create a new change or scale your business
    • PRISM Brain Mapping PERSONAL Diagnostics completed before session one and reviewed in first session.
    • 60 mins (first session) Intensive in Person or via Zoom
    • Plus 5 x 1:1 Coaching sessions (1 session every fortnight for 3 months).
    • Unlimited (Mon -Friday) Email access in-between coaching sessions so you’re fully supported throughout the program